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Sizes: 4.25 X 5.5
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Regular price $1.49
Regular price Sale price $1.49
Keren Hadfusa Heichal Hakoidesh BreslevKrich Arois Fin Shmitz
Krich Arois Fin Shmitz
Dimas Ha'ashukim
Keren Hadfusa Heichal Hakoidesh BreslevDimas Ha'ashukim

This pamphlet raises awareness of the evil yetzer hora, who seeks to taint the eyes of the Jewish people; to tear them away from Hashem. It gives valuable chizuk to guard the eyes, and helpful advice on how to overcome difficult nisyonos.

▪️ Nice big print

▪️ 4.25 x 5.5 and 5.5 x 8.8 inches

▪️ Soft cover

▪️ Small 28 pages, LTR 20 pages

▪️ Printed by Keren Hadfusa of Breslov

  • Mohorosh ZY"A